Tuesday 12 January 2016

2016 A year of Positivity

I have explained before how I see new year as "out with the old, in with the new", I don't think I have ever set myself new year resolutions because I do believe they just don't work so what does 2016 have in store for me with goals to match my principles of enjoying life with those I love & enjoy being with most.

I decided to use January as a month to formulate at least 5 targets for 2016 with majority away from physical achievements which probably dominated my previous years. I think most days about my hopes and choices that must involve Lorna along with #GangAwesome (Kyle & Grace), my brothers and especially nephew Jordan, my dad of course, my daughters Morgan, Ally Bally (Alexandra), Grace & Paula along with my involvement in heart charities & NHS causes.

The above are only some of the shortlisted possibles but I think I have decided on my 5 although by the time I publish this I bet I have changed it so many times. They are in no preference they are only my 5 most important to me targets/goals I have set myself & judge my year by at the end of it.

I will spend quality time away with all my daughters individually in city beaks or events at least once. Quite an easy one to set but if I can say at end of year I went to Auschwitz with Morgan, Florence with Ally Bally along with something with Grace & then Paula it will be the 1st time I could say this. What a goal to achieve.

Lorna bought me an Apple Watch to celebrate a good year and this opens up a whole set of goal setting apps that currently include these with my soulmate. 1 movie at cinema a month, 2 meals out a month & a few others that I can track now on Apple Watch. It may seem a strange way but at end of year I can clearly see if I have showered Lorna with the consistent time she deserves. Hopefully as January goes on I will have at least 5 things I promise to do with Lorna consistently.

My 16 year old nephew Jordan has started coaching with me & my 2005's and I already have him doing his 1st coaching award paid for by club so once he gets to my level I want to complete level 1.3 in young footballers and reach 1.2 in teenagers together with Jordan. I actually failed to do my goal of level 1.3 in 2015 so how better to turbo on with my brilliant nephew & spending such quality time watching him grow into such a nice young man would be more special than the actual awards. Spending time with Jordan has also had a very positive impact on Kyle both in terms of football and personally. He looks up to him and both Lorna and I are happy to have him look up to such a lovely young man! 

In August I will swim 3 miles in under 2 hours in loch Lomond in great Scottish swim. Well I just had to have a physical target that does worry me. So along with my best friend Phil & fellow patient & inspiration Sarah Jayne already committed it should be good. 

My charity work is a hard one because I am so busy I honestly can't consistently devote time to it so I have set my goal this year to follow up on those I met last year, build on those initial introductions to help where I can so Heather Henry, Loiuse Brady, John Walsh, Gareth Presch, Julie Rees, Tania Hyde, Claire, Rob Merchant, Daniel, Andrea & Oliver Kelly, Caroline, Rob Brown, David Shaw, Donna Cook, Gail Pitman, Judith,  let's see if at end of year I can say I didn't let your awesome positivity fall through my fingers this year & we met again & again. I suspect I have missed a couple out here but can simply add as January goes on for final list.

5 main goals that hopefully through year I can blog about how they progressed, they are all achievable but require good planning & commitment and if I do them it maybe could be my best year yet. Of course my health may impact on progress, who knows how I will feel tomorrow, next week or next month but that shouldn't  stop me reaching for the stars. #GangAwesome assemble & lets do this! 

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